Sunday, December 28, 2008


well its morning. its pretty refreshing to blog in the morning. don't ask me why, it just is. i'm wearing my new pajamas that i got for christmas. they are soooooooooooooooo soft and most comfy. i was listening to my new cd that i got for christmas, too. it's by fireflight (christian band) and they rock my sox! i love them! my fave song by them is "unbreakable." anywho, i also got some jeans, some jackets, a shirt, some shoes, and a lot of other things that i will name when my christmas saga is later CONTINUED......................;)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

well, today was mellower than i thought it would be. my mom got me up at 5 in the morning to work on the sweet potatoes. she also got my dum dum brother up to "help me" with them. honestly--i am 13 years old. i think that i would be able to handle peeling some stinking sweet potatoes! i have been the peeler since like i was BORN practically. (okay, since i was 11--same difference.)

my little brother was SO FREAKIN SLOW when he was peeling. he started to peel a potato quite a while before i got situated with one, and by the time he was done, i had 3 already peeled and in the bowl. also, he was really sloppy when he did it. after they were all done, my mom and i cut them up and put them in the crock pot. we (well mostly she) and i folded some laundry, then i went back to bed. evidently, while i was napping, my brother did the potatoes for the mashed potatoes. this kinda peeved me because i felt he was trying to steal my position as the peeler-chopper-scrubber person. i felt that when i'm peeling-chopping-scrubbing, and my mom is cooking, that is my only alone time with her. (awwwwwwww.................) plus it makes me feel special to be able to say "hey, i peeled-chopped-scrubbed those things that you're eating!" and i don't want to share the glory.

my favorite part of thanksgiving is the tv. i know that sounds weird, but think about what's on tv on gobble day: macy's thanksgiving day parade, dog show, football. (btw i'm a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG Colts fan, so if you enjoy other teams, stop reading my blog.) (Pat.) so me and my mom both wanted to watch tv and she didn't even want to watch the parade. i mean COME ON it's a tradition to watch the parade while you're cooking! but when the dog show came on she was like nuh-uh turn on something enjoyable. so i turned on i love lucy, because come on, who doesn't? i even made a portrait of her cuz she's so goshdarnded funny! oh--i'll go get it and take a pic of it so you guys can see what a beast drawer i am. wait a sec....
ain't it purdy? it was for art class and i just absolutely love her show! it took me a really long time to get her mouth just right, and her eyes were a trip too. they looked really lopsided, and when my friend (who is an ARTIST--pronounced arteest) tried to draw them, she looked like a crazed chinese lady. no offense to her in any way, shape or form. or to crazy chinese ladies--or any chinese ladies for that matter. i think i'm just gonna shut up now. ADIOS

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cooking up our Thanksgiving!

So, today is the day before thanksgiving, and my madre and i had the cooking fevah. well, technically i had the chopping fevah cuz she was the one who was shaking and pouring and mixing all of the stuff together. i guess she doesn't trust me to make the food taste, well, good. i can't even make an omelet right.

a few days ago, i made omelets for me and my lil bros to share, and i thought it was pretty darn good, so i thought hey i'll make one 4 mom too. i was WRONG. evidently i burned it (i thought it would be crispy and good, but as i said before, i was WRONG,) and according to my brothers, it was too salty. now, at this point, i'm just like WHAT???

lemme tell you a little somm-somm about my darling little brothers. they like to irritate me to no end and also they like to get me in trouble with my parents. see, when i first gave them the omelets, they were like "this is so good!" and all "i want another one". so when i hear them saying that they didn't like it and that it was gross to my mom, i was just like grrrrrrrrrrr.......... if you have a little bro or sis, you know how it feels.

about gobble day, my mom just got the turkey out of the garage. he is fully thawed and i have named him stanley. which wasn't a good idea, because how could i possibly eat something with the name STANLEY????? anywho, she got him all nestled in this big pot with sugar, salt and water which she calls a brine. she learned this from alton brown.

she's been going all out this year. see, we are having the thanksgiving dinner at my grandma's house and she is getting too old to be doing a turkey. the only thing she will be doing is the desserts--cheesecake, corn pudding, pies of various sorts, you get the drift. all of my other family members are making the rest, though we are doing the bulk of it--turkey, cranberry sauce, gravy, dressing, green beans, sweet potatoes (my specialty--i make it now--the only thing i know how to make good other than toast, which i occasionally screw up), and mashed potatoes.

my mom went online and got all of these gourmet recipes for this stuff. the main thing that she will be doing differently is the dressing. now i personally never liked dressing, and i vowed to my mother that i would never place the horrid, foul crap in my mouth for the rest of my days on this big mound of dirt and lava we today call the planet earth. but now, it seems really good, now that i looked over the recipe. it's got apples and cranberries and sausage in it. the only problem with it is that my family (on my dad's side--we're celebrating thanksgiving with them) may not be too open to the concept of trying new things. she asked my dad if there would be a riot if there was sausage in the dressing, because they probably aren't familiar with it. i personally think that they will enjoy it.

i'll continue in a bit-- i have to go to bed so i can get to work on the sweet potatoes in the morning. PEACE

Sunday, November 23, 2008

OMG cool! I'm blogging!

This is my first day blogging and it's actually really cool. I hope you guys like my poll-- I prefer asparagus, just so you guys know. This is all pretty new to me, but I'm really enjoying it!!!! Okay, my mom is telling me to get off of her computer because it is late, so I'll check back in later. bye!